Saturday, May 11, 2013

Pineapple to burn fat

The Pineapple contains within its stem a substance, called bromelain, which is nothing more than an enzyme, similar to those present in our stomach, able to break down proteins and long-chain fatty. It's in fact an enzyme "proteolytic", that acts on proteins and other substances with a similar structure. This action means that its protein and long-chain fatty are not assimilated, but are dissolved and sent into the bloodstream to be evacuated. In the case of  cellulite and water retention, the effect of bromelain is particularly valuable because it "breaks" the proteins trapped in the fatty tissue, allowing its disposal. Then mobilizes fat deposits, encouraging the exploitation by the body and the eventual evacuation of the excess material. Finally, promotes non-infiltration, that is the passage, through the cell walls up to the bloodstream, of the "pockets" of excess liquid.

Bromelain is contained in particular in the stem Pineapple, but also in the pulp. The pulp also has the advantage of being composed of more than 80% water, with an undoubted draining effect on the tissues.

So, consume a  Pineapple meal  is very useful to combat obesity and cellulite, especially in a proper low-calorie diet.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Body free exercises


The exercises done in the gym as "weight lifting", in my opinion, overstress the skeletal system causing permanent damages in the medium - long term. For this reason I decided to devote my time to body free exercises, as shown in the figure below, they are exercises commonly called "tractions", able to train the major muscle groups in a single motion without stressing the spine in no way.
The "Body free exercises" are the main bodyweight exercises for developing dorsal. Normally "the body builder" performs this exercise in a slow and controlled way in the descending phase and explosively in the ascending phase. The Body Builder tries to isolate lats and biceps, then performs the exercise flawlessly and without variations but using only the strength of the back and biceps. The Body Builder basically tries to make the exercise more difficult thanks to the slow movements and concentrates increasing his weight (in the ratio STRENGTH / WEIGHT) forces the muscles to grow in order to support the movement.
For more information read my ebook:
How to lose 22 lbs

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Anaerobic exercises


When you run, you burn calories as form of heat which are generally provided for the first 35/40 minutes from the sugar reserves, after being exhausted (after the typical lower abdominal pain) are affected the reserves of fat and protein.

You have to do first is a difference between aerobic and anaerobic activity:

With aerobic activity means an activity at a low intensity and long duration,
The anaerobic activity is defined as a power activity.

Anaerobic activities are eg weightlifting, sprinting the 100 meters, heavy athletics, and all sports requiring a performance at the top in quick time.
In the anaerobic activity to produce energy ready for use, generally we use more sugars than fats. For this reason it is recommended to follow a particular nutrition before and after sports.
Anaerobic activity, characterized by sudden contractions of muscles, helps to increase muscle mass. Since muscle is the organ that consumes more calories, more muscle we have, more calories we consume. In this way we are able to control our weight and stay in shape.

For more details read my ebook:
Weight loss now

Exercise plus a healthy diet


What you might not know, is that the diet portion is actually the more important part of the two. No matter how much you work out, if your diet is not adequate, you won’t get the best results.
It’s amazing the degree to which the food that you are eating can affect your health. Health is one of those things that we take for granted until it is taken away from us.
Some of the main risk factors of stroke include being overweight, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. These are mostly all diet related conditions that can be improved by a change in lifestyle and diet. There are of course a few other factors that can also increase your risk of stroke such as smoking, alcohol consumption and genetic predisposition but the reality of it is that most of these risk factors are behavioural related and can be altered through lifestyle changes.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My ebook is online


My ebook :"All my secrets for weight loss: How to lose 22 lbs in a month" is available on!
Great success for the first two gratis days: "1021 copies sold!"
I want to tell about how I can lose up to 22lbs in a short time, reducing the size of the stomach naturally.
I'm neither a doctor nor a dietitian, I'm an Engineer and that is why I have always thought about the cause of every problem. After several years of experience, around nutritionists, personal trainers and doctors, I realized that the cause of overweight is linked to the size of the stomach then I tried to condense all the relevant information in order to reduce this size. I acted under nutritional aspect, physical and anaerobically, in an organized way according to a very efficiently logic.
I state that a crash diet has only downsides and it is for this reason that during my career I have acted on different manners (physical activity, particular nutrition, sauna, beauty treatments ... MENTAL CONVINTION) in order to maintain an acceptable physical appearance and muscle tone.
In this ebook I'll tell you how I PERSONALLY acted in order to lose weight up to 22lbs in about a month ... It's a pure personal experience.

Chapter 1: I state briefly my diet and what foods I avoided during the period of weight loss; I highlight my simple technique to significantly reduce the size of my stomach bringing back some studies about it.

Chapter 2: I expose a physical problem related to overweight ," the water retention", how I fight it acting both on nutrition, both on particular physical exercises and beauty treatments.

Chapter 3: the problem of excess skin and "sagging face", how to act on several fronts to get a perfect natural facelift, minimize wrinkles and reduce dark circles.

Chapter 4: for lovers of sculpted physique, I propose the free bodyweight exercises and proper breathing, highlighting the advantages compared to weightlifting, stressful for the skeletal system;

Chapter 5: My experience with steroids, evil and deception of these substances to which they induce.

Chapter 6: The right food supplements, protein compared to amino acids.

Chapter 7: Introduction to a topic that I hope to deepen in the coming months, "Brain training"

I've wrote this short guide to collect all I have learned over many years of experience, I have arranged the whole thing in order to solve all the major problems related to fitness and health in general.
Good reading.All my secrets for weight loss

Ebook Italian version


Here the link of my ebook in Italian version :
"Come perdere 10 Kg in un mese"
Great success for the first two days:" 650 copies sold!"
L' obiettivo è di esporre le mie tecniche e ciò che ho imparato in tanti anni: Sono un Ingegnere e la matematica è il mio lavoro, è per questo che da tempo ho iniziato a vedere il corpo umano come “una macchina perfetta”, in grado di reagire ad ogni azione in maniera altrettanto perfetta.
In questa guida vengono spiegate delle tecniche sconosciute nel mondo dello sport e della medicina, in grado di risolvere la maggior parte dei problemi legati alla forma fisica:
- Un piccolo trucco sull'orario dei pasti che permette di dimagrire fino a 10 Kg in un mese;
- Come perdere peso riducendo le dimensioni dello stomaco in maniera naturale;
- Come combattere la ritenzione idrica e tutti i segreti della sauna;
- Come prevenire le rughe con un lifting naturale;
- Gli esercizi fisici per tonificare il corpo e la giusta integrazione alimentare;
- Il male degli steroidi;
- Come migliorare le capacità cerebrali....e molto altro!
Diffidate da false promesse... il mio sistema FUNZIONA perchè è stato sperimentato su me stesso.
Come perdere 10Kg

Brain training


Some studies explain that:
You will find some brain fitness workouts that can help your mind process information more quickly, and more efficiently, as well as the ability to perform multiple tasks at the same time. You can get help to concentrate more and increase your brain reflection speed; you will find simple but very effective brain training games and exercises like solving math problems to achieve greater mind fitness.
 Many brain exercises can be performed with simple games or applications more and more popular on the web and on mobile phones. These games provide the tools to improve memory, attention, or other cognitive abilities, all gradually.

Scientific knowledge - It 'best to use the games that have a solid scientific background and have been validated by independent sources. You should always ensure that the product you are using has been tested and has brought positive results among people who fall into the same categories as the age, sex or state of general health.

Adaptability - The big secret to maintain the vitality of the brain is to take advantage of its ability to reconnect, as well as to deal with an increasingly high level of challenge. Some programs allow you to choose the level of difficulty, but you will get more results if you use a brain training program that provides an independent and objective evaluation.

Variety - Many games for the training of the brain dealing with a single skill, such as attention or working memory. Sometimes they are also limited to memory games. So if you want to get the most benefit from a workout, look for programs that allenino a wide variety of skills.

More details in my ebook : "All my secrets for weight loss: How to lose 22 lbs in a month"
available as soon on
How to weight lose

Proteins or amino acids?


How many of you prefer the proteins and how many amino acids?
I personally prefer the proteins because they offer a smaller but longer lasting muscle growth unlike amino acids, which give more thrust during body exercise.

Some studies:

1. Ingestion of protein with carbohydrate has been reported to increase insulin and/or growth hormone levels to a greater degree than ingestion of carbohydrate alone (Chandleret al., 1994)
Two popular protein powders produced are made from whey or casein.
Both whey and casein are high-quality sources of protein that provide all the essential amino acids needed to build muscle. The main difference found among these milk proteins, is that casein is digested slower than whey; potentially providing a steady supply of amino acids for longer periods of time.

2.One of the commonly purported benefits of amino acid supplementation is that certain amino acids (e.g., arginine,histidine, lysine, methionine, ornithine, and phenylalanine) may stimulate the release of growth hormone, insulin, and/orglucocorticoids, thereby promoting anabolic processes (Kreider,1993).

When you exercise and engage in resistance training, fibers become damaged and are in need of repair. The amino acid pool or the available amino acids found in the body, provide the means for cells to regenerate itself and grow.
The amino acids are the primary structural unit of proteins. We can then imagine that the amino acids as building blocks, joined by an adhesive called a peptide bond, form a long sequence that gives rise to a protein.

Proteins represent a large group of organic compounds formed by sequences of amino acids linked together through peptide bonds. We can imagine the amino acids as building blocks for the construction of proteins and peptide bonds as the glue that holds them joined together.

After exercise - The purposes of a proper and timely integration after exercise are:

1) Rebuild quickly and effectively glycogen stores in muscle and liver.

2) Start fast protein synthesis (anabolism) for muscle recovery.

3) Restore the homeostasis hydrosaline in the case in which the sweating had been copious.

It's to remember that points 1 and 2 are more "urgent" because they are releted to the volume and intensity of training, for those who train less than 4-5 times a week is just a proper diet and adequate recovery salt and water.

The intake of protein and / or amino acids in order to increase the recovery of glycogen (point 1) is useless if one assumes a share of carbohydrates covering the amount of carbohydrate lost with the effort.

The intake, immediately after weight training, a small share amino acid (0.1 grams per 10 kg body weight) improves the anabolic response exercise than employing carbohydrates alone;

In summary, after a challenging workout, primary importance should be given to replenishing the salt and water and glucose. In some cases (more than 5-6 workouts per week and sport at a competitive level) it is advisable to take the recommended dose of BCAA within 24 hours after the sessions of the load (ie the binding). You should not let too much time (48 hours) between the end of the activity and of taking a small amount of protein of high biological value;

Compliance with these rules is of course useless if you do not follow proper methodology training at the same time, a balanced diet and a proper lifestyle.

King for Hannibal

Here you are King for Hannibal: The King of freestyle

At the bar we can distinguish 4 types of grip depending of which are engaged different muscles and muscle groups. First you have to clarify the concept that there is no exercise that moves a muscle, but there is talk of a set of muscles involved.
At the bar there is a handle wide and narrow, straight back hand and upside down. With all 4 types of grip there is a prevailing movement of dorsals, but also deltoids, pectorals, biceps and triceps. The handle more challenging is that large back straight, because you have to touch the bar with the back of his neck and his chest alternately with the narrow (overthrown back biceps and forearms) to the prevalence of delts and of lats.

How to lose 22 pounds in a month


I found that totally eliminating bread from my diet,  when I want to lose weight, I managed to lose 8,82 lb in the first week (eliminating liquids) and 4,41 lb every seven days, of course, associating other techniques.
This is just the first step, what I have learned over many years is described in detail in my ebook available on
"All my secrets for weight loss: How to lose 22 lbs in a month"
How to lose 22 lbs in a month