Thursday, March 21, 2013

Anaerobic exercises


When you run, you burn calories as form of heat which are generally provided for the first 35/40 minutes from the sugar reserves, after being exhausted (after the typical lower abdominal pain) are affected the reserves of fat and protein.

You have to do first is a difference between aerobic and anaerobic activity:

With aerobic activity means an activity at a low intensity and long duration,
The anaerobic activity is defined as a power activity.

Anaerobic activities are eg weightlifting, sprinting the 100 meters, heavy athletics, and all sports requiring a performance at the top in quick time.
In the anaerobic activity to produce energy ready for use, generally we use more sugars than fats. For this reason it is recommended to follow a particular nutrition before and after sports.
Anaerobic activity, characterized by sudden contractions of muscles, helps to increase muscle mass. Since muscle is the organ that consumes more calories, more muscle we have, more calories we consume. In this way we are able to control our weight and stay in shape.

For more details read my ebook:
Weight loss now

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