Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Brain training


Some studies explain that:
You will find some brain fitness workouts that can help your mind process information more quickly, and more efficiently, as well as the ability to perform multiple tasks at the same time. You can get help to concentrate more and increase your brain reflection speed; you will find simple but very effective brain training games and exercises like solving math problems to achieve greater mind fitness.
 Many brain exercises can be performed with simple games or applications more and more popular on the web and on mobile phones. These games provide the tools to improve memory, attention, or other cognitive abilities, all gradually.

Scientific knowledge - It 'best to use the games that have a solid scientific background and have been validated by independent sources. You should always ensure that the product you are using has been tested and has brought positive results among people who fall into the same categories as the age, sex or state of general health.

Adaptability - The big secret to maintain the vitality of the brain is to take advantage of its ability to reconnect, as well as to deal with an increasingly high level of challenge. Some programs allow you to choose the level of difficulty, but you will get more results if you use a brain training program that provides an independent and objective evaluation.

Variety - Many games for the training of the brain dealing with a single skill, such as attention or working memory. Sometimes they are also limited to memory games. So if you want to get the most benefit from a workout, look for programs that allenino a wide variety of skills.

More details in my ebook : "All my secrets for weight loss: How to lose 22 lbs in a month"
available as soon on
How to weight lose

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